Posts Tagged ‘Caribbean


Fashion Victims are everywhere……here are just a few

Fashion victims are everywhere. While I was in the Caribbean I encountered a few. Now my fellow Caribbeaners love color so I’m not talking about that because I love color and Spring/Summer 08 is about Bold Color. And I’m not talking about cheap clothing versus expensive clothing because you all know how I love a bargain ;).

It was Carnival in St Maarten when I was down there so there was lots of costumes and bands. Carnival is a time to let loose and express yourself but not to lose your sense of style completely!! And I feel that some of these women didn’t just lose it, they may never have had it. Some ladies just need some Fashion help. I mean REAL help. Like the lady who had on black lace leggings with white short shorts over them topped with a white t-shirt imprinted with black block letter words. My friend who saw the women was as aghast at her outfit as I was and thought she needed my help with fashion. But I mean SERIOUSLY people does the outfit I described above sound like the person needs Fashion advice OR should they have just known that the outfit was a Glamour Don’t!! I think it is the latter but hey maybe that is just me.

I didn’t get a picture of the outfit above but I did catch some other ladies in need of the Glamour Don’t black bar.

This lady looked like she was attacked by Edward Scissorhands

This woman looked like The Abominable snowman in 90 degree heat…..Fishnets and snowboots do NOT go together WOMAN!! I really thought this was a given

To this woman I wanted to say, if your belly is a little bigger than you would like it to be…..Either get some Spanxs or wear a LOOSER dress.

And in conjunction with that, if you have some cottage cheese hanging around your thighs and butt like I do, DO NOT wear tight WHITE bottoms. They just do not look good.

And lastly we have this nice lady sporting a hair trend I never really got….The curler look….:/

Now if you are putting curlers in your hair so your hair will look nice when you get OUT….Why do you still have them in when you do go OUT!! Is there some other reason you have for wearing the curlers that I don’t know about? Are woman wearing them out because they want to have nice curly hair when they go INSIDE the house? If anyone can enlighten me as to why women do this I would really apprciate it.

And as usual I appreciate all your comments on my review. Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts on these ladies? Have you spotted some fashion victims of your own that you would like to share with me?

I’m waiting for your thoughts.


Ok enough of a Hiatus…I’m back

Hi faithful readers. I’m back from the Caribbean. I appreciate all you people who have been reading even though I haven’t been writing new posts. I was amazed how my readership remained the same or went up even without new posts. WOW. I especially appreciate Meredith from Daily Dose Of Coffee blog who added me to her blogroll. Thanks Much!
I also want to thank again Fashion Sensei and Shopping Feet for adding me to their blogrolls as well. Such great fellow bloggers out there in cyberspace. Fashion Air Kisses to you all.
Also in blog related news is my addition to the INDEPENDENT FASHION BLOGGERS family. The blog was started in reaction to corporate networks and media companies springing up faster than I can keep track of. The purpose of INDEPENDENT FASHION BLOGGERS is to reflect what’s going on in the fashion blogging world. You should check this interesting blog How Stressful Is Blogging? Really?.
OK I’m off now to write up more posts about my trip, Bergdorf Goodman’s windows, which were really fabulous, and try to remain in the Caribbean “Don’t worry, be happy” frame of mind…..;)

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Don’t you wish you were here?

Soooo long time no blog readers. Did you think I fell off the face of the earth? Well actually I fell off it into the glorious Caribbean!! You read that right. The sunny, warm, paradise-like Caribbean.

I had some time and I came to visit some relatives. I originally was going to only spend 2 weeks here but have ended up extending my stay 2 times! I mean it was still cold in the Northeast USA and it is in the 80s here everyday. How could I pass up the chance to liven up my pasty winter skin. On top of that Carnival is about to start here and I’ve never been. So I’m now staying to experience Carnival. My first one!! Should be exciting. I will of course be sharing experiences and most importantly pictures of it so you can vicariously live thru me. So if you are home in the cold or less than warm weather and need a vacation, come along with me and read about my experiences so you can have a mini vacation for yourselves. Cause you know you need it.

Tax day has just past. If you just put your taxes in and are eagerly awaiting your check maybe I can give you some inspiration as to what to do with that check. Maybe you need to indulge in some Sun, the Beach or my personal favorite Shopping!!

I’ll be blogging about beaches I love here, nightclubs and venues I’ve found fun, restaurants I’ve found delectable (including my favorite pastry shops and desserts 😉 ) and unique items I’ve found while shopping…So stay tuned!!! I’m off to the beach now but before I go here are some pictures.

Below are pictures of the view I wake up to every morning:

And the view of where I’m blogging this post from:

And the Garden below where I’m blogging from:

Jealous yet ;)….If not, wait to see what I have for you later.

Au revoir mes amis 😀


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