Posts Tagged ‘Jillian


The Black Coats are coming!!…….The Project Runway Season 4 Finale ends with the crowning of a Prince inspired by the 17th Century

Mini Recap* Note -Longer recap to come in a little while

So I’m sure it was no big surprise to anyone that Christian won the Season 4 Project Runway Finale Show. After seeing a few of the looks that were leaked/previewed after the Bryant Park shows of all 5 designers looks I predicted Christian would win. His look was the most creative and dramatic. Although during the show last night I thought Rami gave him a run for his money.

It was funny that for once I agreed with most everything the judges said. Jillian’s collection did look a bit disjointed but I was surprised and took a liking some of her knitwear. Rami’s colors weren’t chic enough for the clothes but he has amazing attention to detail and his evening wear is stunning. Christian’s look did get repetitive and monotonous after a while. I wrote as I was watching it “more black”, “more slim black pants” and finally “CHRISTIAN THERE OTHER COLORS THAN BLACK!!” But Christian knows how to bring the drama. He took the inspiration he got from the Spanish painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo of a 17th century military man that he used in Episode 11 when they went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He used it as a starting off point, expanded on the idea and went running with it. Not everyone maybe able to wear his clothing but I don’t think anyone can deny how creative he is.

I think this was the best project runway show so far. These designers so outdid the designers from the previous seasons. There were designers I liked from previous seasons, such as Jeffrey Sebelia from last season, but these guys certainly did take it up a notch. Maybe it was because this designers all had more experience than previous seasons but I could definitely see all 3 of them going on to be major designers.

Rami showed he so deserved to be there. From the pictures in the magazines and online I saw I thought I would be disappointed by him but I really liked his looks. Bravo to you Rami for being able to step outta the box. Christians looks from the magazine and online soooo blew me away so maybe it was anti climactic for me because I had already seen some of the great ones. He really does knows how to put on a show and bring the fierceness and fabulousity (having the quality of fabulousness to an unbearable extreme). Unfortunately, Jillian was my least favorite. Although I was impressed with some of her designs, it was not on the same level I was with Rami and then Christian. Christian did surprise me at the end by pulled a Ricky before he was announced the winner. He started to tear up. Then he balled when they announced him as the winner. Oh just a couple of “Crying Shames“.


My Project Runway Team – Season 4

I love Project Runway! I’m a frustrated fashion designer at heart. By that I mean I would love to be one but I have neither the talent nor the creativity. But the next best thing is watching designers on Project Runway and critiquing their work (like I could do better WTH!).Well I’ve been playing a fantasy game this season online at Fafarazzi. The rules where as follows:

Check out the Project Runway 4 profiles of each designer and pick your favorite 3 for your team. You’ll want to pick characters that you think will be scoring a lot in the next episode. Points were giving for crying (Ricky), saying make it work (a la Tim Gunn), winning a challange and many other incidences. I wasn’t very good at picking the right people to get the right points but I did pick the people who would eventually go to the final.

This has been my team for weeks:I may not be able to design or win at this game but I did know who was most talented. Although this year I don’t think it was as hard as some seasons past. I do have to note for the record though that Kevin got gypped. I think he got eliminated WAAAAYYY to soon.I do think Christian will win. He is the most creative. Although his clothes are not as commercial as Rami (who I ADORE), Christian did seem to have the most range in his design aesthetic.What do you think?


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